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Weather Policy

Herriman Elementary Inside Day Procedures:

When the weather is 23 degrees or greater it will be an outside day (unless there is inclement weather).  When the weather is less than 23 degrees it will be an inside day and students are brought in early at 8:45 a.m.

We use: (Opens in a new window)/Herriman for weather updates.

Red flags will be displayed to inform students and parents when it is an inside day.  Flags will be placed at the Main Entrance, the North Entrance (bus area) and the Northwest Entrance (2nd grade doors).  After placement of the flags, students are encouraged to enter the building through the Main Front Doors of the school.  If the flags remain up during the day, all recesses will be
held inside the building.
Bad Air Days:
We use to check the air quality. We will make announcements regarding the air quality.
Orange: We will call in those students who are sensitive with Asthma, colds, and any respiratory issues.
Red: We call in all students and have inside recess.